This past month we took a NBME pharmacology shelf exam. Although the studying was a long continuous process for a couple weeks, it kind of seemed fun to me (as weird as that sounds). Going over all the material we learned from the beginning of the year the 2nd time around was somewhat easier and made a whole lot more sense. I made a lot of connections with the drugs to where and why we use them there. All of the mechanisms of actions, side effects, and contraindications now made sense; we now weren't memorizing these drugs just to memorize. As I had mentioned a couple blog posts back, I really want to help the homeless population of New Orleans. Driving around everyday I run into at least 5 homeless people and it breaks my heart that I cannot help them all. Recently I started to take more action to this problem by creating a sort of food drive myself where I stock up the back seat of my car with various non-perishable goods. I started distributing these goods to whoever is in need. Although I have a budget to how much I can give away and spend on these good (because I am barely making it as it is), I try to help as much as I can. This month I volunteered at events more tailored to the culture of New Orleans. As you all know the city of New Orleans has like a festival/event going on of some sort every weekend. Wanting to learn more about the culture and feel more apart of the city I decided to volunteer at these events.
March Community Service Hours: 34
Spring Semester Hours to Date: 34
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